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What We Actually Do?

Online Appointment

In this application has end to end video consultation service. In this epidamic it is highly risky to get treatment of those who are suffering from non-infect dissease. However, it is also not possible to go outside to visit doctor. So online video consultation is saf during this situation. There is a virtual waiting room for patients which allow a doctor to see how many patients available in online.

video consultation

In this application has end to end video consultation service. In this epidamic it is highly risky to get treatment of those who are suffering from non-infect dissease. However, it is also not possible to go outside to visit doctor. So online video consultation is saf during this situation. There is a virtual waiting room for patients which allow a doctor to see how many patients available in online.

Electronic Health Record

You will able to store all of your medical record in our system which will allow to use your file in any need. Our system is completly secure. None can see see your file wihtout your permission.It become difficult to bring past all the medical records to a doctor. Electronic health record educe the dificulties and you can show your medical history at any time.


You will get e-prescription facilities from our platform. You will able to use at any time from anywhere. We are providing maximum security to keep safe all of your data. No one can see without your permission.